Basenotes is currently offline

TLDR: The world's fifth best perfume site is currently having some maintenance. I hope to have things back online soon.

Where can I get updates and stuff

I'll be periodically updating our Mastodon and Threads feeds with updates. I'll also update all the BN social media accounts when the site is back up. Not 'X' though.

If you like what we do, and wish to help Basenotes keep going into the future, you can also join our Patreon.


Can you just check something on the site for me?

Probably not at the moment, but feel free to contact me on the email below and I'll see what I can do. Some things, (like checking your messages) I probably won't be able to do for GDPR type reasons.

Can I contact you about something else?

Feel free to email me on:

grant at basenotes dot com

Are my reviews/wardrobes/posts safe?

Yes, nothing is gone.

Thanks for your patience, and see you all soon.

